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For pipeline inspection in the Gulf of Mexico, global maritime, survey and ROV services operator, ACSM, chose an electric Saab Seaeye Panther XT robotic vehicle over other ROV vehicle alternatives.

Saab Seaeye Panther is chosen for pipeline inspection in the Gulf of Mexico over hydraulic equivalents.

The Panther inspected 261 pipelines totalling 2,340 km in four fields in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM), at depths ranging from 15 to 130 metres, in a less than 10 month project duration.

ACSM chose the electric Saab Seaeye Panther because it can perform the full scope of work needed yet is far smaller than hydraulic equivalents.

Considerable savings come from deploying the 700 kg Panther system, rather than the much heavier hydraulic alternatives.

The 1000 m rated Panther’s proven success comes from a design architecture that can accommodate a wide range of tooling with a ‘plug and go’ simplicity that makes it easy to change, maintain and repair systems — and easy to operate.

The potent thruster power can handle the large array of equipment needed for full survey work — and provide the steadiness and agility needed to continue working even in strong currents when other vehicles are withdrawn from active service.

Acoustically quieter than hydraulic vehicles, means electric vehicles provide more accurate multi-beam sonar data.

The vehicle proved to be very reliable with minimal down time throughout the entire work period, says ACSM.

The ACSM Panther XT is fitted with a Kongsberg HDTV camera, Norbit Dual Head MBES, ROVINS INS, Tritech Super SeaKing sonar, Blueview multibeam sonar, Teledyne Navigator DVL, TSS 440 pipe tracking system, CTD, Laser Line, CP and five-function manipulators and booms.




ACSM provides global maritime services including vessels and underwater robotic vehicles across a wide range of offshore markets.

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