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24TH JUNE 2020
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Four Saab Seaeye Leopard work vehicles have been ordered by Belov Engenharia for Petrobras operations in Brazil.

The Four Leopards will be deployed from Belov’s DSV fleet.

“The Leopard was chosen for its compact size to power ratio,” says Belov’s Director of Operations, André Weber Carneiro.

“We like the quality of Saab Seaeye products and their technical support, which is always available when needed.”

No other electric robotic vehicle is comparable to the 3000m rated electric Leopard.

Half the size of an equivalent hydraulic work vehicle, it is more agile and responsive, has greater workability and can handle stronger currents — opening up wider operational windows. 

Its compact size with unprecedented ratio of thrust to volume and speed through water brings the power, payload and control stability needed to carry the hefty range of tooling and sensors usually associated with much larger hydraulic systems.

This brings considerable savings in footprint, staffing, mobilisation and maintenance cost.

A key benefit in operation of the Leopard, is its iCON™ intelligent control architecture. Not only does this bring greater control, but offers more information about the vehicle’s operation and enhances fault diagnostics along with greater redundancy. iCON™ is also future-friendly for evolving technologies including autonomous operations. 

The Leopards join Belov’s Saab Seaeye fleet and will be deployed from three Diver Support Vessels (DSVs) and used for cleaning and inspecting risers on Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessels (FPSOs), amongst other tasks.

The Saab Seaeye Leopard is the most powerful electric work vehicle of its size in the world.

Saab Seaeye is the world’s leading underwater e-robotics company, with the most advanced range of tethered, autonomous and hybrid electric robotic systems, engineered to address the diverse range of tasks found across commercial, defence and scientific markets.

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