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Bluestream, who dominate platform inspection in the Dutch sector, aims to offer their experienced services to the UK Central and Northern North Sea Sectors with a Saab Seaeye-based, full scope inspection package.


By adding two new gravity-based Saab Seaeye Cougar XT Compact Zone II ROV systems to their fleet — a low-profile design of vehicle especially suited for fixed or floating platform inspections — Bluestream expect to assist their clients by bringing their experience and potential cost saving solutions to the UK offshore market.

The Cougar XT Compact version of the proven Cougar concept was chosen for its regulatory compliance in the Central and Northern North Sea Sectors and for its special compact design that makes it ideal for operating in and around platform structures.

Bluestream sees the platform-based inspection package offering considerable cost saving benefits, when compared to inspections carried out from ROV vessels.


Powerful low profile Cougar XT Compact: ideal for manoeuvring in and around platforms.

Adding the two Cougar XT Compacts to their current fleet, brings Bluestream’s total of Saab Seaeye vehicles to 22 systems.

The compact version of the Cougar design was chosen because its slimmed-down profile makes it easily manoeuvrable inside complex platform structures, whilst its powerful thruster pack helps cope with strong currents and turbulent waters.

Its low-profile design was specially conceived to minimise the effect of current by creating a reduced frame size, buoyancy and weight — and a thinner 17mm tether cable that reduces the effect of drag on the vehicle.

Whilst holding the Cougar Compact steady in cross currents and operating with precise manoeuvrability, its six powerful thrusters allow it to handle a wide array of equipment, despite its size.

Bluestream required a flexible equipment plan for their Cougars which, like all Saab Seaeye robotic vehicles, are designed for easy customisation and enhancement with third-party systems.

The two Bluestream Cougar Compacts will be equipped with a Seaprince sonar, Kongsberg cameras and an underslung hydraulic skid ready for fitting an array of third-party equipment which includes, but not confined to, the FlexiClean tooling, subsea water jetting, shear-cutter, subsea excavation pumps, subsea sensors and an array of CP systems.

The ease of configuration and integration is a key advantage of Saab Seaeye’s design architecture says Bluestream who chose Saab Seaeye because they are the largest manufacturer of electric systems in the world with reliable and trusted technology that is familiar to their engineers.


The two Cougar Compacts join Bluestream’s fleet of 22 Saab Seaeye underwater robotic systems, a selection of which is shown here.

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